Who Am I?

Adam photo

I am a programmer from Płock. I have been passionate about programming since I was a child. I rewrote the first lines of code from "Bajtek" magazine to the Commodore 64.

After high school, however, I decided to go different paths. I wanted to become a soldier, so I graduated from a BA in State Security Policy, then a MA in Emergency States Administration and a postgraduate in Protection of Classified Information and Proprietary News.

Finally, in 2012, I became an entrepreneur in the retail and service sector. I completed an entrepreneurship course and then returned to coding and earned an engineering degree in computer science in 2013-2017. My favorite programming languages ​​are Java and Python, but I am constantly trying to expand my knowledge and in my spare time I also get to know TypeScript and Angular.

Since 2017, I have been professionally involved in creating Java applications for PC, Internet and Android platforms, while my hobby is programming single-chip Arduino and Raspberry Pi processors in Python.

My first commercial project was "Levi's Efficiency Calc" - an employee efficiency calculator in the Levi's clothing factory in Płock for the Android platform.

Later, I was a team leader, as well as one of the architects and programmers working on the "Oczko" project - electronic patient record and records of visits for the local Optical and Ophthalmology Center.

In 2017, I also joined Findwise AB as a consultant - where I was a member of international teams implementing search systems for corporate clients, and also helped with their flagship product - the i3 platform.

In 2019, I moved to Warsaw, where I started working at the Information Processing Center of the National Research Institute, where we prepare IT systems for the National Science Center in Krakow.

In the meantime, I started 2 startups called Windsor Consulting and Ninja Penguins.

At Windsor Consulting, I use the acquired knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, business management, finance and programming to help young and novice entrepreneurs develop their companies. We also code our proprietary projects, which will soon be made public. Kodujemy również nasze autorskie projekty, które wkrótce zostaną upublicznione.

Ninja Penguins is a team of talented people involved in graphic marketing of companies.

In my free time, I like to swim, program because it is and will be my passion, reading, learning new things, and as I am also an unfulfilled soldier, all tactical and strategic games both in front of the monitor and in the forest. ;)
